What to do if your child starts having a seizure?

Neurokids doc
3 min readSep 27, 2021


Are seizures life-threatening? No, they generally aren’t. They last only for a few duration and will subside with time. Though not harmful, it can be disheartening to witness your child having a seizure! NeuroKidsDoc and Neuropedia helps to instruct on what to do and they are expert in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders in babies!

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Seizures?

One needs to understand that seizures can exist in many forms, from staring spells to involuntary movements of the arms and legs. Some signs a child might be having a seizure are:

● unconsciousness (passes out)

● uncontrolled peeing or pooping

● strange sensations or twitching before the seizure

● staring, lack of response to anyone

● sudden muscle spasms

Helpful Remedies to Follow if Your Child Has a Seizure:

If someone is nearby, ask them to call your child’s doctor. If no one is with you, follow the steps below and then call the doctor:

● Carefully lay down your child on the floor or ground, and move any nearby objects.

● Make sure you place your child on his or her side to avoid choking on saliva (spit).

● If he vomits, wipe out the mouth gently with your finger.

● Avoid any clothing that is tightly held onto the head or neck.

● Double check your child is breathing OK.

● Don’t take any sudden action to stop your child from shaking . Since all your efforts will go down in vain and also this will not stop the seizure and in addition make your child feel more uncomfortable.

● Please never take any action to put anything in your child’s mouth. There is no way that child will swallow his or her tongue. There are inevitable chances that forcing teeth apart could result in injuries or block the airway.

● Don’t feed your child right away, and take an interval before administering any medicine pills or liquid by mouth. Make sure your child is completely awake and alert.

● Always keep count of how long the seizure lasts.

● Let your child get some sleep and he may take a duration to get back to normal after the seizure. Stay with your child until he or she is awake and aware, and let your child rest after the seizure.

Readily Call 911 if Your Child:

● has a seizure prolonging than 5 minutes or is having frequent seizures.

● has breathing problems.

● presence of a bluish color on the lips, tongue, or face

● Does not regain consciousness for more than a few minutes post a seizure

● bangs or hits his or her head prior to or during a seizure

● finds to be sick

● undergoes a seizure while in water

● has any other symptom that worries you

Think about Prevention!

If your child has a pre diagnosed seizure condition, make sure that he or she gets ample rest and gets any prescribed seizure medicine on time, with pediatric neurologist Dubai!



Neurokids doc
Neurokids doc

Written by Neurokids doc

Dr Aman Ps Sohal is high calibre, top rated Consultant Pediatric Neurologist Dubai who is well respected amongst his colleague .http://www.neurokidsdoc.com/

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